
The following Terms of Reference are for the Ontario College Association of Physical Plant Administrators (“Association”, “Committee” or “OCAPPA”).

OCAPPA represents the facilities management departments at the 24 Ontario Colleges and membership in the Association is limited to and consists of administrators from the facilities management department at each of the member Colleges.


OCAPPA is responsible for advancing facilities management of Ontario Colleges by fostering professional leadership and sustainable stewardship excellence.


Advocacy. OCAPPA will be the authoritative & influential advocate for sustainable stewardship & innovation leadership within Ontario Colleges.

Leadership development. OCAPPA will consist of competent facilities professionals providing influential strategic leadership for Ontario Colleges with a particular emphasis on facilities sustainability and stewardship.

Best practices. OCAPPA will research & benchmark best practices for sustainability and stewardship excellence to provide meaningful information enabling advocacy initiatives.

Collaboration. OCAPPAA will engage in symbiotic and collaborative relationships and partnerships supportive of its strategies.

Association advancement. OCAPPA will engage members to support, advance and sustain its mandate.

3.0)Reporting Structure

OCAPPA reports to the Administrative Services Coordinating Committee (ASCC), which, in turn, reports to the CAAT Coordinating Committee.

3.1)Executive Committee. OCAPPA will establish an Executive Committee having the responsibility to lead, guide and coordinate the advancement and carrying-out the Association’s mandate and objectives and operate, manage and conduct the Association’s business on the behalf of the Association in accordance with these Terms of Reference and any bylaws, policies and procedures, and resolutions that may be approved from time-to-time by the membership.

3.2)Operating Subcommittees/ Task Forces / Work Groups: OCAPPA will establish operating subcommittees, task forces and other work groups necessary to advance and carry out the Association’s mandate and objectives. The subcommittees, tasks forces and working groups will report to the OCAPPA Executive.

3.3)Networks: The following groups are affiliated with OCAPPA:

Eastern Region of Educational Facilities Professionals Association (ERAPPA);

Colleges Ontario Occupational Safety and Health Administrators (COOSHA);

Ontario Association of College & University Security Administrators (OACUSA); and

Ontario College & University Fire Safety Association (OCUFSA).


4.1)Association Membership. Association membership consists of:

i)Members. Members are ex officio facilities administrators at their respective Colleges. Each member College shall maintain a list of participating Members with the Secretary. Members remain in good standing with the Association for the duration of their employment within the facilities management department at their respective Colleges; and

ii)Associate Members. Associate Members are selected ex officio representatives from key collaborative stakeholders as permitted from time-to-time by the Association at the invitation of the OCAPPA Executive. The following stakeholder organizations are permitted an Associate Member to OCAPPA: ASCC, Colleges Ontario (CO), and the Ontario Ministry of Colleges & Universities (“MTCU”).

4.2)Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of:

i)Chair. The Chair-Elect shall automatically become Chair following service the preceding year as Chair-Elect.  The Chair-Elect shall assume the position as Chair at the OCAPPA AGM for a one (1) year term or until the next OCAPPA AGM.

ii)Chair-Elect. The Chair Elect shall be selected by receiving the greatest number of votes at the OCAPPA Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Chair-Elect shall assume the position as Chair-Elect at the OCAPPA AGM for a one (1) year term or until the next OCAPPA AGM.

Selection Process. Nominations for the Chair-Elect position may be submitted by Members to the Secretary up to 60 days in advance of the upcoming OCAPPA AGM.  Persons being nominated must have consented to their nomination in advance and shall be agreeable to serve as Chair-Elect if elected. If more than one person has been nominated for Chair-Elect, Voting Members will vote by secret ballot from a slate of nominees presented by the Secretary at the OCAPPA AGM.  The Secretary and Past Chair will count the votes on the secret ballot, record and advise the Chair of the results. If there is only one nominee for Chair-Elect, the nomination will be approved by public resolution of the Voting Members.

iii)Past Chair. The Chair shall automatically become Past Chair following service the preceding year as Chair.  The Chair shall assume the position as Past Chair at the OCAPPA AGM for a one (1) year term or until the next OCAPPA AGM.

iv)Secretary & Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer (or alternatively the Secretary/ Treasurer) shall be appointed by the Chair and Past Chair among the eligible Members. The Secretary and Treasurer (or alternatively the Secretary/ Treasurer) shall assume their respective positions at the OCAPPA AGM for a minimum two (2) year term.

In the event an Executive Committee Member is unable to complete their term for any reason whatsoever, the remainder of the Executive Committee will fill the resulting vacancy from among eligible Members on an interim basis until the next OCAPPA AGM can be held to select/ appoint Executive Committee members.

4.3)Operating Subcommittees/ Task Forces/ Work Groups.

OCAPPA will establish operating subcommittees, task forces and other work groups as required in order to carry out the work of the association. The subcommittees will report to the OCAPPA Executive. The subcommittee chair will be appointed by the Executive. The subcommittee chair shall recruit at least two (2) to a maximum of seven (7) additional members of the subcommittee from among Members. Associate Members may be a resource to a subcommittee. Task forces and work groups may be established within operating subcommittees having broader mandates to perform specific tasks/ functions and/ or deliver specific actions/ results.


5.1)  Notice of Meeting / Meeting Schedule:  A schedule of meetings dates for the year will be determined within 30 days following the AGM for the following 12-month period.  There are typically one (1) annual general meeting and five (5) regular meetings of the membership.

5.2)  Meeting Agendas:  Meeting agendas are set by the Chair in consultation with the Chair-Elect.  The Secretary will circulate the meeting agenda and relevant background materials to members, as appropriate, at least one week prior to the meeting.

5.3)  Voting: Each member College shall be entitled to one (1) vote in the business of the Association, such vote to be cast by a member (“Voting Member”) assigned by and for that member College. Unless otherwise specified by a member College in writing to the Secretary, the Voting Member shall be the member at or above the Director level for that respective College. All remaining Members and Associate Members are non-voting members of the Association.

5.4)  Resolutions required to be approved by the Association shall be approved by simple majority of a quorum of Voting Members. Voting Members may elect, in the event of their absence, to assign their voting rights to a named voting proxy, being either another Member from their respective College or the Chair, provided the Secretary is notified in writing in advance of such election of voting proxy including the duration that such proxy shall remain in effect.

Resolutions required to be approved by the Executive Committee shall be approved by simple majority of a quorum of the voting Executive Committee members. Each Executive Committee member shall have one (1) vote; The Secretary and Treasurer (or alternatively the Secretary/ Treasurer) are non-voting members of the Executive Committee.

Voting for proposed resolutions may be conducted either electronically or at a scheduled meeting provided quorum exists or is reached. In the event that quorum is not present at a scheduled meeting, voting on a proposed resolution will be conducted electronically by the Secretary.

5.5) Quorum: Quorum for OCAPPA equals thirteen (13) of the Voting Members (50% + 1). Quorum for the Executive Committee equals two (2) voting Executive Committee members. ;

6.0) Minutes & Correspondence

Minutes of the Association are written by the Secretary, approved by Voting Members and circulated to the Membership. Minutes of the Executive Committee are written by the Secretary, approved by the Executive Committee and circulated to the Executive Committee. Minutes of operating subcommittees, task forces and/ or work groups are written by a scribe assigned by the chair and approved by and circulated to members of that subcommittee, task force or work group.

Minutes of the Association, the Executive Committee and operating subcommittees, task forces and/ or work groups shall also be electronically posted on the website for the Membership.

Attachment A – Duties & Responsibilities
General Membership

Members & Associate Members

Actively participate to the extent practicable in the advancement and fulfillment of the Association’s mandate and objectives;

Actively participate in the networking among members, in the meetings, undertakings and other activities of the Association;

Actively participate and expeditiously complete submissions for benchmarking initiatives;

Actively support and participate in the Executive Committee and/ or operating subcommittees, task forces and/ or work groups

Voting Members

In addition to the above responsibilities, actively participate in voting on resolutions of the Association, assigning proxy as may be appropriate.

Executive Committee


Perform all assigned duties and responsibilities as described in the OCAPPA terms of references and any bylaws, policies and procedures, and resolutions.

Chair all Association and Executive Committee meetings.

Act as the official spokesperson and representative of OCAPPA in all matters.

Strive towards ensuring that OCAPPA advances and achieves the Association’s mandate and objectives.

Recruit members to fill the positions of chair of operating subcommittees and any task forces or work groups outside of any operating subcommittees.

Serve as the primary liaison with MTCU, Colleges Ontario and ASCC.


Assist the Chair in the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the Association.

Perform all duties and responsibilities assigned by the Chair.

Act as liaison to the operating subcommittees, task forces and work groups established and strive towards ensuring that the chairs and their respective operating subcommittees, task forces and work groups are advancing and fulfilling their mandate.

Serve as Acting Chair in the Chair’s absence.

Arrange a gift of appreciation to the outgoing Past Chair.


Past Chair

Act as liaison to the host College planning the current year’s OCAPPA conference and AGM.


Assemble and issue agendas in advance of meetings.

Take and distribute minutes of Board meetings and Annual General Meeting.

Maintain official Association records, including terms of reference, bylaws, policies and procedures and resolutions, tracking any amendments to such records, keeping such records current and up-to-date.

Serve as Association historian by tracking any amendments to Association records, keeping such records current and up-to-date, and maintaining a yearly permanent record electronically of all minutes, membership files, reports, correspondence, award recipients and related information.

Maintain an adequate stock of OCAPPA certificates.


Receive and account for all funds owing to and owed by OCAPPA.

Invoice for and receive all dues and fees.

Deposit collected funds to either the chequing account.

Disburse funds for expenditures as authorized by the Chair and Chair Elect.

Render a monthly statement of income and expenditures and other reports as may be deemed appropriate by the Executive.

Render a written report at the OCAPPA AGM and prepare a proposed new annual budget for approval by the membership.

Provide assistance to the annual meeting host College on all fiscal matters.


Subcommittee, Task Force or Work Group


Recruit sufficient members to carry out the mandate of the subcommittee, task force or work group.

Convene and chair all meetings of the subcommittee, task force or work group.

Maintain a record of the activities of the subcommittee, task force or work group.

Ensure that the Chair-Elect is informed and kept up-to-date as to the activities and advancement of the subcommittee task force or work group

Strike any task force or work group if required to perform specific, definable tasks/ functions and/ or complete specific, definable actions/ results within an established timeline and defined completion date.


Actively support the chair and participate in the advancement and fulfillment of the mandate of the subcommittee, task force or work group

Actively perform any assigned specific, definable tasks/ functions and/ or complete specific, definable actions/ results within established timeline and defined completion date.

Attachment B ;Operating Subcommittees, Task Forces & Working Groups

The Executive Committee for 2010-11

Past Chair – Harry Bakker, Fanshawe College

Chair – Blayne Mackey, St. Lawrence College

Chair Elect – Ron Vopni, Confederation College

Secretary – Kirk Fleming, Loyalist College

Treasurer – Paul Mantle, Lambton College

Meeting Frequency:

Executive Committee meets monthly

Directors meet monthly

Subcommittees meet as required

Working Groups and Subcommittees

  • OCAPPA will establish working groups with subcommittees as required in order to carry out the work of the association.
  • The work groups will report directly to the lead of the work group.  The chair of the subcommittees will be appointed by the Executive. The subcommittee chair will recruit sufficient members to carry out the work of the subcommittee and deliver specific results.

Role of the Chair Elect

  • Act as liaison to the work groups
  • Ensuring that the leads of the work groups are advancing and fulfilling their subcommittee’s mandates.

Role of the Lead of a Work Group

  • Provide direction to the subcommittees on their mandates and establishment of annual objectives.
  • Ensure that subcommittees are functioning and achieving results.
  • Act as a liaison between the Executive and the subcommittees.
  • Assist the Executive in recruiting subcommittee chairs as required.

Roles of Subcommittee Chair

  • Recruit sufficient members to carry out the mandate of the subcommittee
  • Convene and chair all meetings of the subcommittee
  • Maintain a record of the activities of the subcommittee
  • Ensure that the Work Group Lead is informed and kept up-to-date as to the activities of the subcommittee
  • In conjunction with the Work Group Lead and Executive, establish annual objectives and deliverables for the subcommittee.


Role of Subcommittee Member

  • Actively support the chair and participate in the advancement and fulfillment of the mandate of the subcommittee.
  • Actively perform any assigned tasks and complete definable actions within established timelines.

The following work groups and subcommittees have been established by OCAPPA for the 2010-11 year.  The lead of the work group, chair of the subcommittee and current membership is indicated. Additional subcommittee members are actively being recruited.

1.0Best Practices Work Group 1

– Lead John LaBrie, Georgian College

1.1Cost of Operation Subcommittee

Chair;– Harry Bakker, Fanshawe College


Deliver an annual benchmarking report on the cost of operating College facilities.

Coordinate key benchmarking metrics between all best practice initiatives. Present an annual report to the membership. Analyze the data; identify best practice themes and set priorities and approaches to advise these.


  1. Diane Spadafora, Diana.spadafora@ontario.ca ( 416-314-3934)    MTCU
  2. David Cotie, david.cotie@canadorec.on.ca(905-474-7000, x5502)Canadore College


1.2          Energy Subcommittee

Chair – Meziane Zeroual, LaCite College


Present an annual energy report to the membership.  Analyze the data; identify best practice themes and set priorities and approaches to advance these.


  1. Paul Mantle,  t046@lambton.on.ca   ( 519-542-7751)   Lambton College
  2. Janneke Nicholls, janneke.nicholls@cambriancollege.ca  ( 705-566-8101 x7472) Cambrian College
  3. Kayla Smith, kaylasmi@flemingc.on.ca   ( 705-749-5520 x1142)   Fleming College
  4. Udo Friesen,  frieseu@algonquincollege.com  ( 613-727-4723 x7214) Algonquin College
  5. Al McLuskie,  amcluskie@fanshawec.ca   ( 519-808-0241) Fanshawe College


1.3          Energy Secretariat Subcommittee

Chair – Spencer Wood, Humber College 


Oversee the operation of the Energy Secretariat.  Develop and implement strategies that reduce energy consumption and costs.  Co-ordinate energy commodity purchases.  Manage the ION Software system and support and encourage its use.


  1.  Bill Peairs,  bpeairs@sl.on.ca ( 613-544-5400 x1202)  St. Lawrence College
  2. Tim Schill, tschill@conestogac.on.ca  ( 519-748-5220 x3211) Conestoga College
  3. Tyrone Gangoo,  tgangoo@centennialcollege.ca ( 416-289-5000 x7291) Centennial College
  4. Grant Brummell,  gbrummel@loyalistc.on.ca  ( 613-969-1913  ext. 2429) Loyalist College
  5. Brian Scannell,  brian.scannell@sheridanc.on.ca  ( 905-845-9430 x2240)  Sheridan College
  6. Kayla Smith,  kaylasmi@flemingc.o.ca  ( 705-749-5520 x1142)  Fleming College


2.0     Asset Stewardship Work Group 2        

– Lead Khurshed Irani, Centennial College


2.1        Deferred Maintenance (V.F.A. ) Subcommittee 

Chair – Spencer Wood, Humber College


Deliver an annual report on system-wide facilities condition and deferred maintenance liability.  Develop a common approach to VFA input information, documentation and reporting of building condition and deferred maintenance liability.  Develop effective multi-year capital planning strategy for Ontario Colleges (aligned with Ministry long-term capital planning initiative).  Develop a life-cycle strategy for infrastructure renewal – total cost of ownership.


  1.  Justin Kazakevicius,  jkazakevicius@stclaircollege.ca ( 519-972-2727 x4239) St. Clair College
  2. Randy Prentice,  raprenti@fleming.on.ca ( 705-749-5520)  Fleming College
  3. Udo Friesen, frieseu@algonquincollege.com  ( 613-727-4723 x7214) Algonquin College
  4. Evelyn Follett, evelyn.follett@senecac.on.ca   ( 416-491-5050 x2869) Seneca College
  5. Heather Steeves, hsteeves@georgianc.on.ca   (416) 675-6622) Georgian College
  6. Jason Smith, Jason.Smith@dc-uoit.ca   (                      )
  7. Patrick Ferren, Patrick.Ferren@durhamcollege.ca ( 905-721-2000 x2756) Durham College
  8. Rick Sitarski,  rsitarsk@confederationc.on.ca ( 807-475-6687)  Confederation College
  9. Grant Brummell,  gbrummel@loyalistc.on.ca  (613-969-1913 x2429) Loyalist College

10.  Hooman Farhangnia,  hfarhangnia@georgebrown.ca  ( 416-415-5000 x2363) George Brown College

11.  John Gittings, jgittings@niagaracollege.ca (905-35-2211 x7762)  Niagara College

12.  Trevor Rising,  trevor.rising@saultcollege.ca ( 705-759-2554)Sault College

2.2        College Space Standards Subcommittee

            Chair – Carol Anderson, Humber College


Develop a system model for space standards, utilization and capacity planning.


  1. Nick Noorzad, nick.noorzad@sheridanc.on.ca  ( 905-845-9430) Sheridan College
  2. Mark Simpson, msimpson@centennialcollege.ca ( 416-289-5000 x7021) Centennial College
  3. Gus Grisdale, gus.grisdale@saultcollege.ca ( 705-759-2554 x2739) Sault College
  4. Scott Valens, scott.valens@humber.ca ( 416-675-6622 x4272) Humber College
  5. Lorenzo Brumo, brunol@algenquincollege.com ( 613-727-4273 x5001) Algonquin College
  6. Dave Rideout, drideout@georgebrown.ca ( 416-415-5000 x4301) George Brown College
  7. Justin Kazakevicius, jkazakevicius@stclaircollege.ca ( 519-972-2727 x4239) St. Clair College
  8. Shawn Harrington, sharrington@fanshawe.ca (519-452-4430 x4354) Fanshawe College
  9. Janice Coughlin, jcoughli@flemingc.on.ca ( 705-749-5520 x1328) Sir Sandford Fleming

10.  Brian Scannell, brian.scannell@sheridanc.on.ca ( 905-845-9430 x2240) Sheridan College

11.  Trevor Rising, trevor.rising@saultcollege.ca (  705-759-2554) Sault College

12.  John Gittings, jgittings@niagaracollege.ca ( 905-735-2211 x7762) Niagara College



3.0      Communications, Collaborations & Association Advancement Work Group

             – Lead Mal Woodhouse, Niagara College


           3.1        Website Development

                       Chair – Ron Vopni, Confederation College


Oversee the development and maintenance of the OCAPPA Website. Develop a social media strategy for OCAPPA to facilitate use of Web 2.0 tools to collaborate more effectively and efficiently. Facilitate the adoption for use of new collaboration tools by OCAPPA committees and members. Provide training and support as needed.


  1. David Cotie, david.cotie@canadorec.on.ca ( 705-474-7600) Canadore College
  2. Grant Brummel, gbrummel@loyalistc.on.ca ( 613-969-1913) Loyalist College
  3. Diana Spadafora, Diana.spadafora@ontario.ca  (416-314-3934) MTCU
  4. Bart Lanni, blanni@niagaracollege.ca ( 905-735-2211 x7760) Niagara College



3.2        Advocacy & Association Advancement Subcommittee

            Chair – Blayne Mackey, St. Lawrence College


Build linkages and relationships with internal and external organizations such as APPA, ERAPPE, ASCC, Colleges Ontario and MTCU.

Develop an operating framework for the Association within an approved Terms of Reference that increases participation by College members in association activities.

Develop a financial plan and resource strategy for advancing the strategic plan priorities of the association.

Coordinates with the ASCC to plan the joint conference.


Executive Committee

3.3        Recognition Subcommittee

            Chair – Doug Lucyk, Durham College & University of Ontario Institute of Technology


Deliver recognition awards at the annual conference including the builders club.


  1. Kirk Fleming, kfleming@loyalistc.on.ca ( 613-969-1913 x2444) Loyalist College
  2. Allan Cobham, acabham@georgebrown.ca ( 416-415-5000 x4308) George Brown College


4.0      Professional Development Work Group

           Lead – Mike Rushton, Algonquin College

Chair – Phil Rouble, Algonquin College


           Deliver an annual PD program as part of the Annual Conference.

Deliver supplementary PD offerings to meet the needs of the membership.

Participate in the ERAPPA PD Committee


  1. Grant Brummell, gbrummel@loyalistc.on.ca ( 613-969-1913) Loyalist College
  2. Shawn Harrington, sharrington@fanshawe.ca ( 519-452-4430 x4354) Fanshawe College
  3. Jeff Choma, jchoma@georgianc.on.ca   ( 705-728-1968 x5218) Georgian College
  4. David Griffin, david.griffin@humber.ca   (416) 675-6622)  Humber College
  5. David Forrester, david.forrester@senecac.on.ca(416- 491-5050)  Seneca College
  6. Janice Coughlin,jcoughli@flemingc.on.ca (705-749-5520 x1328) Sir Sandford Fleming College
  7. Angelo Miranda, angelo.miranda@senecac.on.ca( 416-491-5050 x2260 ) Seneca College