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Karen Hale
Post count: 1

At Fanshawe address the accessible needs a couple of ways.

In every classroom and computer lab we have 1 ergo chair.  In every classroom we have one 24×36 table (larger size) that is set at 33” height for wheelchair accommodations, and in every computer lab, we have 1 electric or crank height adjustable table.   These stay in the rooms permanently.  If there is need for something additional, or if there are more than one student needing accommodation in each room, we then add what is needed if we can.  Additional ergo chairs are the usual request with and sometimes if there are folks that require standing accommodation we add lecterns or height adjustable tables.  These extra pieces are requested for the rooms by our Accessibility Services group (students have to register with their accommodation needs and provide a timetable) via a work order to the Porters who have a supply of these pieces.  Accessibility services keeps track, and works with the porters to get them removed at the end of the semester and placed in their next semester’s rooms.


  • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Karen Hale.