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    • krevait@stclaircollege.ca
      Post count: 4

      Good afternoon all,

      We are looking to revitalize our Construction Management RFP as we ran into some troubles with our previous VOR. The main topic of concern is the costs associated with supervision from the Construction Management (CM) themselves. With this VOR the CM is required to three (3) quote all the work associated with the project and compile the costs and work as the college’s representative. They charge a percentage fee for each project. As they are not a General Contractor (GC) on the project they do not typically supply full time supervision on the projects. We run into projects where their percentage is paid based on construction costs but they are also trying to charge for supervision when it’s indicated that all supervision provided by the proponent is included in their base percentage. This seems to be a fight on every project. Another challenge would be when they want to use their own forces on a project as opposed to bringing in outside contractors. These project are supposed to be three (3) quoted when they want to sole source to themselves (more like a GC).

      We are wondering if anybody has dealt with this in the past and would be willing to share their experiences or if they would be willing to share their Construction Management RFPs as a reference?

      Thanks in advance,

      Kyle Revait, St. Clair College

    • Christian PrudHomme
      Post count: 20

      Hi Kyle,

      Sorry I can’t help you out but please keep me posted on what you receive as Loyalist is interested in the responses.

      Chris Prud’Homme

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