Home Forums Cool Tools & Tips Rocketbook – A reusable notebook that saves trees!

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    • Phil Rouble
      Post count: 26

      Rocketbook sells a line of reusable notebooks that eliminates the need for paper and, combined with their mobile app, facilitates scanning notes into the cloud – just write, scan, erase and repeat!

      I used to go through reams of paper each year taking notes from clients and meetings and sorting them in drawers of file folders. Since switching to Rocketbooks about 5 years ago, I stopped wasting paper and eliminated drawers of file folders.

      I found that writable tablets didn’t work for me. I preferred the convenience of a pen and paper for taking notes in meetings. With Rocketbook, you use erasable Pilot FriXion pens with the special “plasticized” paper notebooks to take notes. When done, you scan the pages by taking pictures with the Rockebook app which sends them to the cloud, digital notebooks (OneNote, Evernote…) or emails as desired. Then you simply use a damp cloth to erase the pages and reuse the notebook. There’s something very therapeutic about this washing away past notes!

      You can find out more at: https://getrocketbook.com/

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 72

      Thanks Phil, good timing – I just ordered mine to replace my notebook. I don’t use much paper either – notebooks generally last me quite some time however I do like using them to track key tasks when sorting through emails.

      I’ve also been using electronic note taking in OneNote on my Samsung Note (mobile phone). I rarely lug my laptop into conferences or workshops now that I can capture points with my phone. I use the stylus to write quick notes or, I can embed photos of a presentation slide within OneNote along with my other notes. The content syncs with my computer so I can review it upon my return to the office. I’m really impressed with OneNote’s ability to interpret my handwriting – it can even convert my scrawls into searchable text!

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