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    • Anonymous
      Post count: 1

      Georgian College (Barrie Campus) currently performs snow clearing/removal utilizing only in-house resources. We are exploring potential alternative delivery options.
      Input on the following would be greatly appreciated.
      What model do other colleges use for snow clearing/removal:
      • In house only
      • Contractor only
      • Hybrid (ratio & details please, including how it is working for you)
      • Has any college performed a cost benefit analysis, contracting vs in house?
      • Would a specification or tender document be available for sharing?

      Thank you

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 72

      Fanshawe contracts all of our snow removal to a local company.

    • Spencerwood
      Post count: 18

      Humber has Lakeshore Campus where we contract it all out. Our North Campus, however, we contract out the roadways and parking lots, while doing the walkways inhouse. Because of this I can easily compare the costs of the 2 models, and it is very similar.

      In house give us better control of the quality, which is particularly important for the walkways. But there is also more risk because I don’t have 24/7 coverage, and what happens if one of the 4 guys gets sick.

      Overall, I’d probably tend towards contracting out the entire thing, if I was starting from scratch.

    • Fidelis Tagsa
      Post count: 13

      At Centennial we have a contractor that manage all our campuses.

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