Home Forums Asset Management Discussions Unused office furniture – what to do

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    • Fidelis Tagsa
      Post count: 13

      Hello all,

      Unused office furniture, either its out style or just will not work within the campus.

      Do you discard them or recycle them?

      If you recycle them, meaning not returned to the campus, please share with us this method.


    • Spencerwood
      Post count: 18

      At Humber we use a company for this.


      They come and get the stuff we don’t want, and then deal with the reuse or recycle. Can get a bit expensive if there is a lot of stuff.


    • Fidelis Tagsa
      Post count: 13

      Thank you Spence,

      Will reach out to the suggested company.

      This is very long outstanding case which I hope to check off.

      Again thank you.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 12

      Hi, we have our purchasing/finance department post on GOVdeals.com to sell if their is value or give to Habitat for Humanity. Cheers Robin

    • Brian Rogers
      Post count: 2

      Like Robin above, we post to GovDeals with success most of the time. Our unused metal filing cabinets have been recycled and any monies generated go to academic program for student consumption. Some outdated furniture (beyond useful life) gets offered to staff to repurpose, charity re-use organizations and as a last resort to landfill. Brian

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